Monday, November 12, 2012

Catch Up

   Hey, it's been a really long time since I've written on here.
Basically some things that happened are:

  • I started eighth grade.
  • I became Team captain for my soccer team
  • My sister Rachel got a mission call and will be leaving in exactly one month 
  • I went to Beehive Camp at BYU Timplodge
  • I went to a Summer Volleyball camp at BYU with Mariah
  • My brother Josh got his wisdom teeth out :)
  • I took Alexa, Becca and Isabelle with me to my cabin for Fall Break 
  •  I went to California for my cousins wedding
  • It snowed 11-9-12 and 11-10-12 :)
  • My birthday is on Dec 1
  • My sisters left me and went to college together
  • I got my hair highlighted
  • Alexa and I have hung out alot 
  • I've babysat a ton!!!!!!
  • The Yellow Jackets played in a tournament! It was in West Jordan..
  • I went with Lexi, Rebekah and Alexa to a BYU womens soccer game
I've taken a whole bunch of pictures Heres a few

1 comment:

  1. i like the one of all your guys' pants. cute cute. it's like a pinterest picture.
