Monday, August 11, 2014

YOU are priceless and you are worth everything

It is so hard to be confident when society is telling every girl they need to be skinnier or look like a model, wear this and that, be more like someone famous, eat this and not that, starve yourself, have a thigh gap, date guys who party, get pregnant, do drugs, do this and that.
Like doesn't this make you want to scream! You aren't aloud to be yourself, it's hard not to do things for popularity, or to get the most likes or favorites on instagram and twitter. Life has become more like a popularity contest. God put these things on earth because He knows we can get through it, with His help. You dont need to be popular, you already are in God's eyes. You're perfect! Girls: You dont need to be a size 0 and have a thigh gap, you're perfect the size you are. You dont need to layer on that extra foundation or put on several coats of mascara, im sure you're gorgeous without makeup even if you have a pimple or two. I have them too! And guys: you dont need to be the strongest of them all, the best looking, the most wealthy, sporty, but you should be yourself. Dont let others change you if thats it what YOU want. Be yourself, dress like YOU not some famous person who doesnt even dress themself. You are good enough and you are worth the world.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

What i thought was love

Teenagers these days think they're in love when they get their first boyfriend/girlfriend. For some of you that may be in seventh grade, others even older. I can tell you several times where i was so i believed "in love"
Love is more of a sensitive subject for me now because of this one boy i fell so hard for and it took me so long to finally get over him. I've just learned to only say you love someone when you really sincerely mean it. Somethings arent going to last forever so enhoy it while it lasts! Be careful, don't break your heart for someone who doesnt think youre worth it

Power of God

This was an experience that happened to me while i was up at girls camp this summer.
I woke up early on june 30th, i woke up at 4:30 i had just gone to the bathroom then went back to bed, but i couldnt really go back to sleep which was terrible because i was about to be going for four days into the mountains where i wasnt going to get lots if sleep. I sat in bed til five A.M. when my alarm was set to go off, so i showered hoping that after i had showered i would feel better. The ashcrafts were coming to pick me up soon and i was really dbating on whether or not i should go up. I felt nauseous all morning. When they came to pick me up i decided i would just go, i knew i would be blessed. We went to go grab some breakfast at McDonald's isabelle told me just to order something even though i didnt feel hungry, i got it and never ate it because i just felt so sick. We got on the bus and I told isabelle i wanted to sit next to her, she saved me a seat next to her and next to the bathroom.  I never used the bathroom because i slept most of the time up to Camp Shalom. I woke up when there was about 20 more minutes to drive and this was the most miserable time, i felt really sick and light headed. When we got there we set our things up. I was still feeling sick but went to the stake morning devotional anyway. Sitting the whole time definitely didnt help as soon as we finished isabelle and i went to the bathroom where i threw up. After throwing up you always seem to feel a little better, i felt only slightly better. One of my leaders gave me her ice cold diet coke to drink and it helped for a little while. Still feeling sick and miserable my ward ate lunch and i wasnt able to eat anything because i just didnt feel hungry. I laid in my cot all day except when i got up to go to the bathroom, i missed several activities that i waa looking forward to. Sleeping was nice but i would've rather been able to be outside with all of the other girls. Dinner was approaching and i was just tired if feeling sick. I had several thoughts going through my head to ask my bishop for a priesthood blessing. Finally i got out of bed and Maya and Michela came with me to ask my sweet bishop for a blessing. Him and his counselor found a spot where they could do it, they sat me down and blessed the oil then started the blessing. Michela and maya were there watching and listening. The bishop told me i'd feel better and also have the desire to eat. As soon as he finished i stood up and felt so much better! I was so hungry. As the days went by i felt better everyday. And i was so glad i asked my bishop for thag blessing. I strengthened my testimony of the gospel and the power of the priesthood. The church is true go tell your friends

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Remember me?

Hello everyone!
Its been over a year since i've posted on my blog a lot has changed and happened!  This summer has gone by way too quick and im about to start highschool, its crazy. Five years ago i was going into fifth grade, fast forward five years and im now a sophomore! I am so excited to meet new people from other schools. I am so glad to be out of jr. high. Some of the kids just seriously bothered me!
Yay highschool, i never thought i'd grow up so fast but here i am and its crazy to me!
A few exciting things that have happened this year
-i got my learners permit
-My oldest brother got engaged and will be getting married next month
-i went to EFY with my best friend Becca
-i have a babysitting job that i love!
-i went to girlscamp, which was a blast
-my older sister Rachel came home from her LDS mission from Dominican Republic
-i took a summer course of drivers ed
-i started my first journal in April and finished it in July
-i got a smartphone 📱
-Marissa comes home in four weeks!
-i get my braces off in September!!!!

2014 has been a really great year so far and its coming to an end quickly! I am hoping to do a blog post once or twice a week. So we'll see how this all turns out, ive had this blog since 2011 i think and now that im older it should be written better and a little more interesting.

Enjoy 😄
-Heather Renae