Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Remember me?

Hello everyone!
Its been over a year since i've posted on my blog a lot has changed and happened!  This summer has gone by way too quick and im about to start highschool, its crazy. Five years ago i was going into fifth grade, fast forward five years and im now a sophomore! I am so excited to meet new people from other schools. I am so glad to be out of jr. high. Some of the kids just seriously bothered me!
Yay highschool, i never thought i'd grow up so fast but here i am and its crazy to me!
A few exciting things that have happened this year
-i got my learners permit
-My oldest brother got engaged and will be getting married next month
-i went to EFY with my best friend Becca
-i have a babysitting job that i love!
-i went to girlscamp, which was a blast
-my older sister Rachel came home from her LDS mission from Dominican Republic
-i took a summer course of drivers ed
-i started my first journal in April and finished it in July
-i got a smartphone 📱
-Marissa comes home in four weeks!
-i get my braces off in September!!!!

2014 has been a really great year so far and its coming to an end quickly! I am hoping to do a blog post once or twice a week. So we'll see how this all turns out, ive had this blog since 2011 i think and now that im older it should be written better and a little more interesting.

Enjoy 😄
-Heather Renae

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