Tuesday, March 29, 2011


So,,, today my team and i got dominated k. and it was actually really demented we played against a team called the H-C storm. Man!! they were so pushy and not to mention rude. Yes i know you are probably saying wow what bad sportsmanship but its actually kinda true. I hate teams like that!! So i like fell so many times cuz this weird girl was stepping on me and hurting me :( well anyways i almost scored! Rebekah did an excelent job at goalie and im so proud of her!! Everyone tried their best and got us pretty far. GO UTAH SOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

My wondrous mother

My mom is the best person ever! She's very kind and always cares for me. She's so thoughtful and understanding and loves to take me shopping. I love her so much! She's always been such a great life saver for me. Like when I forget something at home she'll bring it to me at school or when I'm sick she'll care for me like as if i were still a baby. Whenever I see her I give her a great big hug and a slimy smoochy mom is just the best person ever! She's always so loving and kind to everyone :) She's so wonderful! I love you MOM!Thanks for everything you do and get for me.

Butler :)

So today at my school it was a minimal which means we only go to school til 12:30 so at recess I was just going CRAZY! literally so crazy my teacher almost had it with me :) hehehe. If you know me you would know! well anyways at recess my friend Mariah and I decided to embarris ourselves. Well sort of. I decided to talk in a british accent and say well im playing soccer for my puppy dog because he is on life support and I had to make goals to save his life. As you can tell from the name of the post his name is Butler he's so cuddley and only 2 weeks old. And guess what he's FAKE! :( WAAAA I really wanted him to be realistic like I mean why can't a puppy dog be on life support wouldn't you want to help him/her if it were dieing? I miss him so very much but anyways thats Butler pronounced ( butt- lar) weird huh we live in england or something isnt it great I dont even know what kind of dog he is or where we live:) hahahah I love you Butler

Sunday, March 27, 2011


OK this is Maya Clayton and my older sis. Marissa riding' in Marissa's barbie Jeep. That in those days were the coolest!

Yes you may be asking why I have a picture of a dog well here's the answer this is my grandma's dog Bella and I enjoy playing with her.
This is Sophie, Isabelle and I being Crazy as usual! :)

This is my friend Mariah Webber she's awesome! She's a great soccer player and always makes people laugh.
That's Jael, Rebekah and Me! We are probably the strangest girls you will ever meet!

Yes you may look at this blog and ask wheres my picture well I either didnt have time to put one on or I don't have a picture of you but most likely I don't have a picture of you. So if you'd like to be on here just come over and we'll take tons of fun pictures.


Hi, my name is Heather Renae Erickson. I'm the fifth child in my household and I love to pick on my little brother :) My bad! Well anyways i'm going to tell you everything I like. OK. I LOVE to play soccer right now im playing on a U-12 team our name is Utah Sol. It's just about the best team ever! I'm one of those girls who HATES school I mean its boring so why go. I bet a lot of people agree with me right now! I love to hangout with friends and spend time with family. My favorite colors are purple, pink, yellow, green, and orange. But every color is fabulous. Im in the sixth grade spanish immersion program and so far, well it is my last year, so its great. I love to run, sleep, play, laugh, go on vacations, blog, do hair, make-up, play soccer, shop, swim, be athletic, sing, dance, jump on the trampoline, gymnastics and a whole bunch more. My family is My mom, dad, Jeff, Rachel, Marissa, Josh, Me and last but not least Jacob. I've been playing soccer sense I was 5 1/2! I love it with all my heart. Well you probably already know I've been to Disneyland a lot probably more then twelve times and guess what I wish you have to. :) :)
