Thursday, June 28, 2012

One minute to death

I was at 7peaks yesterday with Rebekah, Naomi, & Katelyn. We just decided to go in the wave pool. We were in there for about 8 minutes but then at that time we almost died! The waves got bigger as we floated in the water. We didn't have any tubes but the other tubes people had were squishing us. we thought that was when we'd die. I would have like 1 sec to breath then the next I'd be gasping for air.
We were in the water almost dying for about 6 minutes but to us it felt like hours.
Poly's were surrounding us and they didn't even care we were drowning. One second Naomi and I caught each others eyes the next second we were under someones tube gasping for air. It was so scary it's a miracle we are all alive.
When we finally escaped it, none of us wanted to go underwater. We are so blessed to be alive!

Monday, June 25, 2012

My feelings

I really don't know how to express me self. :'(
I often feel like I don't fit in with my family. They're always teasing me, hurting me and my feelings.
I know almost everyone gets picked on, just I know they don't feel like me! i always end up being the one who gets hurt or ends up crying. No im no crybaby. It's just always me! UGHHH
They always go places that are fun when I'm gone. It's always me that gets yelled at. I always have to do everything! It's always me that has to do jobs while everyone goes out to play :( It's no fair! They don't understand me! And they probably never will! They probably don't even know I exist anymore. I'm invisible to them.
They always want to do the fun stuff when I can't or when I'm not home. It bugs me so badly. I try to tell them but they say everyone does that..
no they don't!!!!
just a second ago my mom said " Oh, i guess she's not a part of our family right now. :("
That makes me mad! I just wanna run away!
They always say they're waiting for me but no. it's not always me!
Or they call me Spoiled. More like Marissa and Rachel are!
Ughh I don't know what to do!
Do they even know I exist anymore?
Will they ever stop?
If only they knew the real me!
They always think im jealous of them but im not! buuugggg

My best friends are coming/here!!!!!!!!

So Naomi Wilhite is one of my bestest friends, and in 5th grade she moved to California. It started with Rebekah, Fayth, Savannah, Naomi and me. Then Naomi moved then Fayth did and then after Savannah did. It left Rebekah and I alone! we were so so sad! we miss them so much. But now, Fayth will be coming July 1st! and Naomi's already here in Utah. Oh yeah I forgot to tell you, hah silly me, Fayth moved to Ohio :( But she will be here for 6 wks and Naomi only 2 :( I'm sad but im glad she's actually here! I just want to see both of them already!
Love you guys!


Thursday, June 21, 2012


I know the stuff that I write isn't very inspirational but, I don't really care I just love being able to write what ever I want whenever :) Sometimes what I write won't always make sense but obviously I don't care bahah. I'm no perfect girl. I'm just here to make mistakes, later on I'll definitely learn from them too.
So pretty much what I'm trying to say is I'm not perfect.
Everyone will make a little mistake here and there, so don't judge! 
Living life is just what I want to be doing right now, so that's what I'm going to do. Im not going to  try to impress anyone because that's not needed.

" All kids are gifted; some just open their packages earlier than others. "

That's exactly my life!

I may be good at some things but they definitely will need some improvement soon.

 Thanks for everyone who has helped me improve and accomplish many things!

My goals:)

1. Be kind to EVERYONE!
2. Read my scriptures everyday
3. Become a great soccer player by, running everyday and touching the soccer ball everyday (I'll need a running partner!)
4. Have a bedtime! :)
5. Earn some money
6. don't judge people or gossip
7. Get all A's in school
& more those are just some of my top goals

Monday, June 18, 2012

BoReDoM :)

Hello blogger world! I don't know what to write about so I'll answer these :) im bored....  \

Name? Heather
Nicknames? Head
Age? 13
Single/Taken? single
Are you happy with that? yes until im 18
How many kids do you want to have? 5
What would you name them? umm idk
Do you have a best friend? yes
Are they a guy/chick? a girl
Do they like you more than a friend? yes
Do you drink? yes, water
Do you like to party? yes

Have you ever been in LOVE? YES
Do you believe in love? yes
Have you ever had your heart broken? yes
Who was your last boyfriend/girlfriend? no one

What is your favortie band/singer? HE IS WE
What is your favorite song? pardon me
What is your favorite movie? She's the Man
What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? ummm anything with chocolate
What is your favorite color? coral
Who is your best friend? Rebekah Winward, & MORE
Do you know everything about them? MOSTLY
How many siblings do you have? 5
Are you happy with that? yes ma'am or sir
What are you listening to right now? Safe and Sound
What was your last drink? water
Who was your last kiss?   umm my pillow
Who was your last hug from? uhh Miranda
What is your favorite food? I love salad
Do you have more guy/girl friends? girl
Would you date any of your friends? yes
Is this survey getting on your nerves? no ...
What was the last thing you watched on T.V? umm if i can remember
Do you know who E.T is? yes

Have you ever had someone close to you die? well yes but I wasnt alive
What was his/her name? Grandpa
How did you know one another? i was related

What kind of cell phone do you have? i dont have one
Who was your last txt from? no one

One or the other...not both...
pepsi/coke? niether
white/cream chocolate? chocolate
love/lost? love
money/love? love
friends/money? friends
family/friends? family
pens/pencils? pencils
Hawthorne Heights/Atreyu? ??????
Lindsay Lohan/Hilary Duff? Hilary Duff
All Time Low/AFI? ??????
computer/music? music
camera/computer? camera
last person you slept with? umm Amy it was a sleepoveR!!!!!!!
last person you ate with? Isabelle
last person you hit? Isabelle
last person you cried over?
last person you hugged? Miranda Morley

last person you said "I LOVE YOU" to? My mother
did you mean it? yes

ONE describe...
last party was: birthday
band: drums
needles: thread
spaghetti: gross
flyleaf: ???????
senses fail: dieing
ll cool j: ?????
rap: okay

love: boy
relationships: weird
school: okay
work: don't
cell phones: want
boyfriend/girlfriend/alone: boyfriend
this survey: LONGG
friends: LOVE

8th grade is coming around the corner!

I can't believe I will be a eighth grader in about 2 months. Well it's coming and it will be here before I know it, the 1st day of school.
It's going to be so weird to come back from summer ans have to learn and walk EVERYWHERE again. Hopefully I have good classes and teachers :)
I would love to have some classes with some of my friends too.
Well i guess that's all i needed to say for now :)


Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Well, after a long while I finally came out of the dark and came to post!

Over the time I haven't posted I have been doing lots of things.
Here are a few :)
I tried out for Celtic Storm and OCFC Yellow Jackets! I made the yellow jackets  (my new team)
I started soccer practices and running
I started my fundraiser for soccer!
I cleaned my room, then it got messy again
I have babysat a few times
I've a a few sleepovers
I got a Ken doll :) hah
Gone to seven peaks for the 1st time
& more
I've grown.....

I tried out with Cat, Mariah, Lexi, Amy, Sara, Bailey, and a few more but I can't remember at this time.
We had to wait forever for the results first the premier then the green team and finally the white team my name wasn't on any of the lists.  :(  but Cat's was!
Hooray for her
The rest of us made the Yellow Jackets.
So now we are hoping to all become a big happy fam.
We are having fun already!

Last monday I had a sleepover with Amy then this monday I had one with Mariah :)
They were fun

 I have mutual tonight but I really don't want to go because I am tired and I don't want to square dance! i hate square dancing!

I might be going to California at the end of July. It would technically be for my cousin Chases wedding but we might also be going to the beach and knottsberry  farms!

In the beginning of July Mariah an I are going to attend  a BYU volleyball camp we can't wait!

Well I guess I should go now!!

Love ya!
-Heather Renae Erickson