Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Park City!

I had the best time in Park city with my mom, dad, Jacob, and Isabelle. That night on the way we went to Dairy Keen it was sososososo good!!!!!!!!!!!! We went for free (to park city)! We stayed at the Escalante Hotel. It was super nice. We swam and had a blast.. After the pool Isabelle and I got our bed ready and stuck peel off facial masks on.. They hurt like crazy.... advice: don't do them! they kill. Then we went to sleep and slept amazing! In the morning we went to subway for breakfast.. It was yummy but by that time it was pretty much time for lunch so we grabbed lunch so we wouldn't have to stop later.. So we ate that lunch in the car on the way home!

We drove through Midway and happened to be going over the speed limit so we got a ticket.. Isabelle, Jacob and I gave the police officer a name but I forgot it :( sad day..
Then we went to the Heber Valley Cheese Factory. We got Ice Cream! It was DELICIOUS! advice: if you are ever driving through midway don't go over the speed limit and also go get ice cream at the Heber Valley Cheese Factory..

Well bye!

Job Shadow Day!!

Today I went to Job Shadow Marissa, with my friend Amy. It was so fun! For lunch we went to Wendy's. Then after lunch we had to sit through a class about Halloween Make-up it was very interesting! I loved spending that day with them!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Last friday night....

Last Friday night was amazing.... not it was so much fun tho. First Isabelle, Miranda and I went over to the Myers at 5:00 to help sis. Myers because she was going to have company over and her house was a mess. So we helped her clean, watch the kids, play with the kids, make beds, organize and anything else that involves cleaning. when we left it was about 6:00 and we left the house spotless. I was so happy for us! We helped someone last night. She was very thankful for that.
Well after that we went over to Lyssa's house to see if she was there and wanted to come and hang out with us, but she wasn't there.
we just went to belle's house. Her parents weren't home. we could do what ever we wanted as long as we cleaned up. So we decided to watch a movie, we watched a another Cinderella story with Selena Gomez. Even though belle and i watched it earlier that day. But we didn't care. About half way into the movie we decided to eat because we were really hungry. Belle was asking us what we wanted i just really wanted Mexican so my choices were tacos, burritos, or nachos. umy yummy!! we all chose BURRITOS to give us gas.... JK. The BURRITOS were delicious! The we finished the movie and got crazy! We were so freakin' crazy we were acting like little kids and if we were in barney. We listened to barney and danced like kids. It all of the sudden started to get hot and we were thinking why it was so hot but it was just cuz we were dancing i said duh it gets sweaty when ur dancing!
well at about 10 mirands and i left cuz they had to do jobs before their parents got home.
that's how i spent my Friday night!

Sunday, September 11, 2011


ABC About You Questions:
B- BIRTHDAY: December 1st
D- DRINK YOU LAST HAD: capri sun
J- JUGGLE:No i wish
L- LONGEST CAR RIDE: when i went to nauvoo with my family on a church history tour
O- ONE WISH: A life time of happiness
R- REASON TO SMILE: it makes me happy and others
S- SONG YOU LAST SANG: We found Love
U- UNDERWEAR COLOR: purple, blue turquoise, pink, white
V- VEGETABLE(S): broccoli, carrots, lettuce
W- WORST HABIT: ...............
X- X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: my arm. and my teeth.
Z- ZODIAC SIGN:???????????? tiger

Spell your name without vowels: Hthr
Your favorite number?: 1
What color do you wear most?: pink or white
Least favorite colors?: red, green
What are you listening to?: who says
Are you happy with your life right now?
Who's your best friend? Rebekah, naomi, Isabelle, sophie, cat, mariah, marissa, miranda, rachel
When do you start back at school/college?: im in school right now
Are you outgoing?: Yes
Favorite pair of shoes?: TOMS
Can you dance?: can i dance?
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: no...
Can you whistle?: Yes
Cross your eyes: YEP.

Do you believe there is life on other planets?: no
Do you believe in miracles?: yes
Do you believe in magic?:not really
Love at first sight?:Yes
Do you believe in Santa?:No and no
Do you know how to swim?: Yes
Do you like roller coasters?: LOVE.
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows? No..i gag just looking at it. BLEH.
Have you ever been on a plane?: yes
Have you ever asked someone out?: NO im 2 young.
Have you ever been asked out by someone?: yes.
Have you ever painted your nails?: thats the stupidest question EVER. i'm a GIRL. of COURSE.

What is the temperature outside?: 78-80 degrees
What radio station do you listen to?: 103.9, 101.5, 97.1
What was the last restaurant you ate at?: Costa Vida
What was the last thing you bought?: candy
What was the last thing on TV you watched: the news
Who was the last person you took a picture of?: me
Who was the last person you said I love you to? my mom
Who you said it to and actually meant it? they were boring

Ever really cried your heart out?: yes. i really have.
Ever cried yourself to sleep?: plenty of times.
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: yes.
Do you cry when you get an injury?: depends how bad it is.
Do certain songs make you cry?: yessss.

Are you a happy person?: for the most part. yes.

Been to jail?: nooooo
Mooned someone?: yes
Laughed so hard you cried?: all the time.
Cried in school?: yes. hahaha
Wanted to be a model?: when i was little
Done something really stupid that you still laugh about?: all the time.
Been on drugs?: No
Gone skinny dipping?: nope!

Pepsi or Coke?: Neither
Chocolate or Vanilla?: vanilla and chocolate
Strawberries or Blueberries?: strawberries
Meat or Veggies?: veggies. i'd say meat, but i only like it when ALL the fat is gone.
TV or Movie?: movie
Guitar or Drums?: guitar!
Adidas or Nike?: BOTH.
Chinese or Mexican?: Mexican
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: Cheerios


Saturday night was a surprise party for Justice at Brianna's house it was so much fun.
those there were..... Isabelle, Sophie, Maya, cat, Rebekah, Jael, Taylor, Nicholas, nick, Stockton, Bryan, justice, Lexi, McKay, Alyssa, Miranda, michela, Mariah and me. don't be mad if i forgot you i just couldn't remember who all went. well anyways the party was from 7-10 it was so fun!. we played soccer and swam. before justice came we played soccer for a bit but i hurt my toes so i stopped for a while! In the pool was the best time ever. we played B-ball, had chicken fights. flirted, and more, I did chicken fights with Stockton Hunsaker so i rode on his back trying to fight other peeps. it was so much fun. I hope Justice had a fun birthday!!
well thanks for inviting me Bri.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


COLORS: Purple!!!! Coral, Gray, Black, pink, green, yellow, turquoise, orange, white &blue

MOVIES: Charlie, A walk to remember, A Cinderella Story, Tangled, Soul Surfer, Monte Carlo, Never Say Never, She's The Man & You Again

MUSIC Artists: Katy Perry, Selena Gomez, JB, Taylor Swift, HE IS WE, Plug In The Stereo, Colbie Caillat

SONGS (all time): Speak now, back to December, mean, mine (taylor swift) u smile, baby, Love me, pray, runaway love (JB) Keep your head up (Andy grammer) I wouldnt mind it, happily ever after (HE IS WE) WHO SAYS (Selena Gomez)

TV SHOWS: bachelor, bachelorette, American Idol, americas got talent,wipe out, toddlers and tiaras, what not to wear, say yes to the dress, ghost whisperer.

HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES: SOCCER, tennis, swimming, singing, dancing, showering, playing with friends and family, gymnastics, running, blogging, flirting, chatting, playing sports, hair & makeup, babysitting, taking pics, being in pics, sleeping, partying, cooking, eating, showing pigs, stuff.

DESERTS: cheese cake, cupcakes, cake, brownies, ice cream, shakes, cookies, UN-healthy stuff

RANDOMS: scriptures, friends, boys, family, church, YW, blankets, funny peeps, pigs, elephants, giraffes, JB, forever 21, JCP, Dillard's, Halloween, Costa Vida, dell taco, olive garden, good wood BBQ,
boys who dress cute, VS, Bath and body works, chick fil a, iceberg, Wendy's, Rings, bracelets, necklaces, jewelery, the beach, coloring my hair, sweats, cute clothes, clothes, makeup, candy, icecream, sleepovers, surprises, the mall, facials, manis, petis, Holidays, the smell after rain, perfume, being called beautiful or gorgeous, pretty, laughing, getting my hair and makeup done, nail polish, summer, my b-day, christmas, presents, getting things when im sick,(which NEVER happens) sweets, getting things from boys (which never happens) lipgloss, movies, fluffy stuff! Not having HW,

Those r some of my favorites
what r some of yours?

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Nothing but a lil' laughter

Yesterday I went over to Rebekahs house to watch the BYU vs OLE MISS. And of course BYU won.
It was so crazy!!! it was 14-13 OH YEAH!! It was kinda scary because her cousins were there and when ever BYU did something good they would scream, dance, cheer and yell.
One of her cousins loves me its weird cuz we barley even knew each other. Anyway I didn't write this just to tell you about him I started to write this so I could tell you how fun I had with Rebekah. Well after the game was over Rebekah, Rj, Tony, Libby, Sage, Kimmie, Emmit and I went outside to play soccer. Rj, Tony, Libby and Sage are Rebekah's, Kimmie's and Emmit's cousins. The teams were girls vs boys and of course we won.
It was so much fun with tons of laughing!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Rebekah for being such an amazing friend to me!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

First day of school ( 7th grade day actually)

This is me after 7th grade day!

Marissa did my hair but by this time it was flattened

Love ya RISS

Monday, August 22, 2011

Seventh grade day is.......Finished

Seventh grade day is finished. Seventh grade day was great! i was able to get to all my a day and b day classes fine. but there was a mental thing that me and isabelle COULD NOT do.... open our locker. We made other people open it for us because we have so many problems. Lunch was so so easy all i had to do was type in my student ID # which i already had memorized. I love OCJH its great!
hopefully i survive and get to all of my classes on time.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Its coming.....

Only 2 more days til seventh grade day! aggh im so not ready for summer to end!! i would really like some more time to get ready for school. When school starts everyone wish each other luck to do the very best they can.... So my classes are great except when i changed some of my classes they changed my whole schedule :( and some of my teachers. To tell the truth im still a little scared for Jr.high. the biggest fear is being late to my classes or getting trouble..
But oh well i'll make it through fine. hopefully they go easy on the sevies.
Well anyways sense i dont write on my blog alot thats the point of this post.
Love ya bye..... last week with NO school. use it wisley and have it while you can and when you got it. dont spend your last days watching tv, playing computer, playing video games, or anything electric. Do something active go outside and play. Dont get fat eating 2 much when you have nothing to do but eat. Bye

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Summer time

These are some pictures from girls camp 2011.. The miss shalom pagent

michela: is miss orange ya glad

Maya: shes miss sol

miranda: shes little miss sunshine

isabelle: shes izzie the roo

The Girls: I was patty pirate, then next to me is janna she was a diner girl, the cat shes a rock star girl, then its miss orange ya gald (michela), little miss sunshine (miranda) miss sol (maya)

The Hulk (justice) ronald mcdonald (sophie) izzie the roo (isabelle) then in the very back is a nun(mckenna.

Summer's coming to an end :( Im going to be starting Jr.High, and have eight teachers instead of one. Oh my goodness summer has gone by so fast don't you think? here are some things Ive done this summer of 2011....

First of all i went to space camp on the 27th of june and had a overnighter with isabelle and mariah then we got back on the 29th of june.
I dont have any pictures or i would defenitely show you.

Almost immidietly after space camp jk a week or so i arrived to camp mia shalom. Finally!!!!!!!!!!!! It was July 5th through the 9th. The stake camp color was my favoritest color in the world... PURPLE isnt that great. It was good for me and the others who like or enjoy purple but not for the ones who absolutly Hate that beautiful color. Every day we had some things the same and some things different. Some of the same things were M.A.G.I.C. time which stands for making a goddly individual connection. I loved magic time beacuse i felt the spirit so so strongly. Also we had devotionals every morning and night. And some different activites we did were hiking, lake time, cleaning, pamper time, hubba bubba, the miss shalom pagent, craft time, skits, biffy stirring hahahah good time!

Im so exciteed for next year!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spring Break!

So... We left on Monday morning around 10. We drove to Barstow which took about 5-6hrs. and got Panda Express it was so yummy! Our hotel was in Victorville, California it was really nice when we got to the hotel we settled in and went swimming until the pool closed. But after a while these other people were getting drunk which was scaring me so much and it stunk so much. After swimming, I showered then Rebekah did then Marissa french braided our hair by that time it was about 10:30 pm.
Tuesday morning we drove to Anaheim and got the boys checked into their hotel because we couldnt check in til 3 o'clock but i was fine with that. After that we went over to the California Adventure park. We rode the river rapids first but we really didnt get wet. After that we went a rode Screamin' I loved it but Rebekah hated it. She declared that it was the worst ride ever because after the ride she started to cry because she couldnt walk. TOO BAD :( But basically she wouldnt go on it EVER again. Soo..
But its basically the best ride!!!! So.. we also rode the jellyfish, and the ride next to it called like the golden zeffer. Isabelle also met up with us and we rode screamin'and toy story mania. After that we went to lunch at a place called Taste Piolts' Grill by Soarin.' It was so yummy! I got a kids meal for the little ones. It was chicken nuggets and fries yyyuummm i felt like a 6 year old. I got that cuz I wasnt so hungry. After that we did other stuff like went to the disneyland park and rode Matterhorn, Teacups, Dumbo, Atopia, and more but I sort of forgot. After a while Isabelle left and so Rebekah and I decided to go shopping just the 2 of us it was great! We bought a couple of things but not to much. Then we met up with Isabelle and rode just a few more rides until it was time to go and watch the world of color. That was so pretty! The sad thing was that this lady behind us had wine and spilled it all over my little brother and it smellt so horrible I felt so bad for jacob he was crying and wanted to go back to the hotel but he had already seen it.
Wednesday was a great day! that morning Rebekah and i were big girls and woke up ourselves and went to breakfast. After breakfast we went to disneyland! BY OUR SELVES!!! WOW it was so much fun we rode pirates, winnie the pooh then after the winnie the pooh ride we went and met pooh & tigger it was so much fun. Then we headed for Toon Town we didnt do much there but go to mickey's house but on the way to toon town we saw josh flickengers mom with her 2 youngest but i have to mention they looked scared of us After we went to toon town we went to our hotel and got Naomi we were SO happy! She came until Friday.We went back to the park for a few hours. Rode a TON of rides! I slept with Naomi that night and I woke up in the night and noticed my pillow was slidding off but I actually thought Naomi's butt was my pillow and layed on it for a couple seconds and then noticed it was too hard.
Thursday was great 2 but more tiring and boring. We went over to the park and got fast passes for space mountain and went back to the hotel then went back over and rode nothing and then went to the hotel swam for an hour then got showred up and went back used the fast passes and rode matterhorn, atopia we rode some others but I really dont remember. That night we went to CPK for dinner it was so so yummy. Again I got A kids meal it was Fusilli Alfredo with parmesan cream sauce. We went back to disneyland after dinner and got a few more rides in but not very many Marissa came and hung out with us. It was fun. We rode thunder Mt. a lot that night and once in line Rebekah and I saw the hottest boy and he was totally checking us girls out ahhh.
Friday we packed and dropped Naomi off it was so sad then we went to my cousins hotel talked for a while then we went to Harbor fish & chips but we didnt get fish. I got popcorn chicken it was so yummy! Then we went to the beach for about 2-3 hours and played in the water and sand. I got sun burnt on my face, back and shoulders. But I dont really care. Its already turning into a tan. YESS.
Well Saturday we drove all the way home stopped at wendy's at about 6 or 7 I got a crispy chicken sanwich, and a oreo frosting it was delish. We got home at 11:07 and went straight to bed.
It was the best trip EVER!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


So,,, today my team and i got dominated k. and it was actually really demented we played against a team called the H-C storm. Man!! they were so pushy and not to mention rude. Yes i know you are probably saying wow what bad sportsmanship but its actually kinda true. I hate teams like that!! So i like fell so many times cuz this weird girl was stepping on me and hurting me :( well anyways i almost scored! Rebekah did an excelent job at goalie and im so proud of her!! Everyone tried their best and got us pretty far. GO UTAH SOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

My wondrous mother

My mom is the best person ever! She's very kind and always cares for me. She's so thoughtful and understanding and loves to take me shopping. I love her so much! She's always been such a great life saver for me. Like when I forget something at home she'll bring it to me at school or when I'm sick she'll care for me like as if i were still a baby. Whenever I see her I give her a great big hug and a slimy smoochy mom is just the best person ever! She's always so loving and kind to everyone :) She's so wonderful! I love you MOM!Thanks for everything you do and get for me.

Butler :)

So today at my school it was a minimal which means we only go to school til 12:30 so at recess I was just going CRAZY! literally so crazy my teacher almost had it with me :) hehehe. If you know me you would know! well anyways at recess my friend Mariah and I decided to embarris ourselves. Well sort of. I decided to talk in a british accent and say well im playing soccer for my puppy dog because he is on life support and I had to make goals to save his life. As you can tell from the name of the post his name is Butler he's so cuddley and only 2 weeks old. And guess what he's FAKE! :( WAAAA I really wanted him to be realistic like I mean why can't a puppy dog be on life support wouldn't you want to help him/her if it were dieing? I miss him so very much but anyways thats Butler pronounced ( butt- lar) weird huh we live in england or something isnt it great I dont even know what kind of dog he is or where we live:) hahahah I love you Butler

Sunday, March 27, 2011


OK this is Maya Clayton and my older sis. Marissa riding' in Marissa's barbie Jeep. That in those days were the coolest!

Yes you may be asking why I have a picture of a dog well here's the answer this is my grandma's dog Bella and I enjoy playing with her.
This is Sophie, Isabelle and I being Crazy as usual! :)

This is my friend Mariah Webber she's awesome! She's a great soccer player and always makes people laugh.
That's Jael, Rebekah and Me! We are probably the strangest girls you will ever meet!

Yes you may look at this blog and ask wheres my picture well I either didnt have time to put one on or I don't have a picture of you but most likely I don't have a picture of you. So if you'd like to be on here just come over and we'll take tons of fun pictures.


Hi, my name is Heather Renae Erickson. I'm the fifth child in my household and I love to pick on my little brother :) My bad! Well anyways i'm going to tell you everything I like. OK. I LOVE to play soccer right now im playing on a U-12 team our name is Utah Sol. It's just about the best team ever! I'm one of those girls who HATES school I mean its boring so why go. I bet a lot of people agree with me right now! I love to hangout with friends and spend time with family. My favorite colors are purple, pink, yellow, green, and orange. But every color is fabulous. Im in the sixth grade spanish immersion program and so far, well it is my last year, so its great. I love to run, sleep, play, laugh, go on vacations, blog, do hair, make-up, play soccer, shop, swim, be athletic, sing, dance, jump on the trampoline, gymnastics and a whole bunch more. My family is My mom, dad, Jeff, Rachel, Marissa, Josh, Me and last but not least Jacob. I've been playing soccer sense I was 5 1/2! I love it with all my heart. Well you probably already know I've been to Disneyland a lot probably more then twelve times and guess what I wish you have to. :) :)
